Liberty Cars - Iteration 2

As of early 2020, the AWS lambdas I was using for version one where being decommissioned due to Node 8 EOL. Plus several other technologies I was used were way out of date. So in April 2020 I decided to simplify the website.

The site does not actually do any business, its primarily my testing ground website / domain. For this reason I decided to a make it a static website and deploy it with Netlify. I loved it, super simple and the generation of the website with Jekyll was a few hours work. The website lost a lot of its functionality that had all the advanced technical features and the technical debt, but I decided it was not needed. It only added complexity at this point and stress. Instead I experimented with static website form submission systems that send emails if actually used. Just in case some person is actually interested. In the months is been live only a few bots have actually got through the form. ✌️

For example some of the functionality it lost:

The old homepage: Markdown Image

The old date range selection: Markdown Image

The old booking page: Markdown Image

As always I will admit my frontend skills are not the best. I am a Full Stack Engineer that focuses on DevOps and Backend work, that can change a CSS colour if needed 🤓

Check out the new liberty cars here.

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